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Alphemita Financial Services: Offering Sustainable Finance Solutions and Planning (With ESG Investments and a Green Culture)

Alphemita Financial Services stands as a model green business

CEO DeeDee Baze created Alphemita Financial Services, a comprehensive financial service provider that’s dedicated to supporting women while also operating in alignment with DeeDee’s strong values and ethics. Alphemita supports ESG investments, working with companies that have an earth-friendly focus to drive sustainable finance solutions.

Once more, we’re looking at a business that’s successfully created a strong green culture, embedding sustainability ethics into the core of the organization. As such, Alphemita Financial Services stands as a model for business sustainability by addressing external and internal facets. Today, Alphemita Financial Services has achieved platinum status, certified by the Green Business Bureau.

Building a business using strong ethics and values

Alphemita Financial Services is a comprehensive financial planning service for women. Services provided include:

  • Fiduciary,
  • Fee-only comprehensive financial planning,
  • Ongoing financial planning,
  • Investment advisory services,
  • Tax planning,
  • Tax preparation,
  • Estate planning,
  • Will or trust-based estate plans,

Client’s can choose services as a bundle, plus Alphemita creates personalized packages that meet the specific needs of each client.

Sustainable Finance #1

The idea behind Alphemita Financial Services began during the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic. At this time, CEO DeeDee Baze started to re-examine her life to figure out what truly made her happy. DeeDee Baze, a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™, decided to create a firm that would align with her values – to help women, to lower her carbon footprint, and to contribute to the greater good. DeeDee was able to weave these values into her practice, and today works with clients who share similar principles.

DeeDee helps her clients understand their relationship with money and identify their potential life mission or soul purpose for planning a financial future.

I have the heart of a kindergarten teacher, the sense of humor of a middle school teacher, but the credentials of a stockbroker.” – DeeDee Baze, CEO of Alphemita Financial Planning

A business centered around sustainable finance

DeeDee Baze recommends ESG investments as often as she can to clients, working with companies that have an earth-friendly focus. In doing so, Alphemita Financial Services supports green, inclusive, and diverse companies and investment opportunities. Hence this is a business that has been modeled with sustainability in mind, and offers sustainable finance solutions.

DeeDee has also worked to create a green culture, to capture sustainability into the core of the business. As such, the entire team at Alphemita is committed to doing as much as they can to make the company more eco-friendly. This includes having zero-commute, virtual offices that capitalize on the sustainability of remote work.

Once more, the company uses paperless operations as much as possible, with each home office committed to eliminating paper and styrofoam, plus plastic cups, plates, and utensils in kitchens (using mugs, dishes, and silverware instead). Alphemita has even begun composting kitchen waste in one of the staff’s home gardens. Plus, each home participates in Alphemita’s recycling programs – which are added to the company calendar.

Sustainable finance #2

DeeDee has ensured that workspaces take full advantage of natural light. Also, laptops and other technological items are shut down when they’re not actively used. This saves electricity and reduces Alphemita’s carbon footprint.

Yet, what makes this brand stand out in the green business arena is their green marketing and communication efforts. Alphemita uses social media, blogs, and newsletters to highlight actionable and simple solutions for their clients and readers, helping them move forward with eco-friendly practices.

Improving business sustainability internally

Alphemita strongly encourages clients to put their money into sustainable investment opportunities. The business makes it easy for clients to help our planet by investing in companies that focus on reducing pollution and waste, mitigating climate change, supporting natural renewable resources, and lowering energy consumption. The business also encourages community engagement to benefit local people as well as protecting the environment.

Sustainable Finance #3

Alphemita Financial Service is a business that leads by example. That is, DeeDee has made sustainable changes to business operations while also encouraging sustainable living for staff in their homes and promoting ethical causes.

To support her business sustainability agenda, DeeDee signed up to the Green Business Bureau to gain access to GBB’s actionable green initiatives. Implementing these initiatives helps DeeDee create sustainable operations internally, while also showcasing Alphemita Financial Services’ commitment to sustainability with GBB’s green seal. Today, the business can flaunt their platinum status, to model what true business sustainability is.

Alphemita values kindness, authenticity, and alignment as well as taking care of our planet. We are here to help guide people to use their money in a way that honors their life purpose while keeping our carbon footprint as low as we can.” – DeeDee Baze, CEO of Alphemita Financial Planning

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